Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, Youtube, You Evil Fiend

Like most people, I have a Youtube account. Like most people, I post videos. Like most people, my videos.......get

Why, you ask? Because a third party claimed copyright.

Who, you ask? Hell if I know, apparently they're anonymous.

And, despite the video's mildly embarrassing overtones bore from adolescence and a pinch or two of obsessions, I'm just the slightest bit annoyed by it. Mostly because I'm not sure who these people are, if they're legit, and why my video was picked out after being on the site for at least a year (additionally, considering the fact that there are other videos on the site that have the same song playing [the song being the reason the video was taken down], I'm just a little bit baffled).

Through all this, though, Youtube has given me the option of choosing another song from a list of pre-approved music, reposting the video without sound, or disputing the claim. I'm considering doing it (because I don't like the idea of accepting it and giving up), even if I'm not sure they'll take it seriously and the task of reading through all the copyright laws is a little daunting. I have a right to know who the third party is? Is there a chance this third party isn't legit and Youtube is just playing a game of CYA? I don't know! All I do know is, is that music videos are ultimately free advertising because it allows people to either find music, or tv shows (I've discovered both through my guilty pleasure music video viewing) and since no one makes money off of it and everyone (including myself) puts disclaimers in the sidebar, I honestly don't see what the deal is.

But maybe I'm just not anal about these things.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

“Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob” - Oscar Wilde

It's amazing to me how some people can claim to be Catholic (or really, just plain Christian) yet act in such clearly not Jesus like ways. Case in point: this article. I'm beyond the point of saying how sickened I am by how stuck on this issue we are, and I really, truly, hate to say it, but I almost feel that this might drive me away from the Church. I still believe in God, and Jesus Christ, and the very core beliefs the Roman Catholic Church holds, but this one track, seemingly turning belligerence on an issue that isn't even being looked at properly is enough to just make me walk away.

You see, there comes a time in everything where you need to walk away from things that aren't healthy for you to be around. It's not healthy for me to sit here and get incredibly angered and pained by my so-called leaders doing things I feel are against the exact things they claim to teach. I think A Perfect Circle said it best when they said, "One day I will walk away and say, 'You dissappoint me, maybe you're better off this way.'"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Goodbye, Ten. Hello, Eleven

As any good fan of the BBC show Doctor Who knows, Doctors regenerate. To quote David Tennant (the current incarnation of Earth's favorite Time Lord), it's one of the most exciting times on the show. So, with all that in mind, fangirls, get your tissues.

David Tennant has announced he's leaving the show.

It had been rumored during the fourth season, especially near the end when the Doctor began that familiar transformation unique only to native Gallifreyians, of course, they did do a cop out with him remaining the same because of a cut off hand and now he's still looking remarkably like Barty Crouch Jr from Harry Potter 4 and this better not mean he's on his 11th turn and leave us short an incarnation and what with Catherine Tate (who plays Donna Noble on the show) hinting at it in an interview, it almost seemed inevitable. However, after the events in the finale, most people went back to thinking it might not be so inevitable. Except, it is. BBC confirmed it on Oct. 29th, 2008 *enter Homer Simpson 'd'oh' sound effects here*. It's not happening quite yet, though, so don't cry too hard. David Tennant is still set to do three specials to be aired in 2009 and early 2010 before the new Doctor steps in.

So, now the question is who will become the 11th Doctor? Online polls list such notable actors as John Simm, David Morrisey, and Chjwetel Ejiofor. Thoughts? Theories about what will cause the reincarnation? Votes on who you'd like to see take the the metaphorical wheel of the TARDIS?