Friday, July 5, 2013

Shit My Girlfriend Does

So awhile back, I decided to record my girlfriend while she climbed up on counters to kill multi-legged intruders. The hilarity I found in filming her meant that I was going to continue to record her.  Hence, my now ongoing meme: Shit My Girlfriend Does.

This video essentially speaks for itself, but what you need to know is she is killing bugs in an apartment.

I love this girl.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What Makes a Writer?

Why are writers always tortured?  Does it really takes a hard life to truly have insight?  I was reading an article from the Jan. 6, 2013 issue of the New York Times Magazine about George Saunders and how he is "a writer for our time."  Amongst other things mentioned, the article states that Saunders was a good friend of David Foster Wallace - and spoiler alert - he committed suicide. Sylvia Plath notably killed herself, along with the lesser known John William Polidori and Edgar Allen Poe purportedly had a drinking problem.

So does it take an overwhelming depression to write great literature?

I wonder this because, since I have aspirations of being a writer, I occasionally wonder if I'm not tortured enough.  Has my happiness in life really caused me an inability to write, to understand the world, to really see.  I've read about dark things, flirted with my own temperamental nature, and certainly tried to understand human nature.  But is none of that enough to really make a good writer?  One who will be remembered to discussed in English classes across the country?

Actually, I don't think so.  For one thing, what exactly can be defined as great literature?  While at one point I would have said that what defined good literature was what was discussed in my college courses would have been considered the greats, I've come to learn in recent years that I disagreed in part with what my teachers were trying to show me.  That what we read had merit and interest at the time of my class, I would forget later.  It wasn't memorable.  The words on some of those pages hasn't stuck with me.  In my not so humble opinion, what makes a good (or great) writer, is one that produces something that resonates with people.  Something people all over remember and repeat, and even tattoo onto themselves.

I know I'm making way for the debate that the J.K. Rowlings and the Stephenie Meyers of the world are great writers, but I suppose, in their own right, that they are (though it pains me to say it).  Mostly, writing is about saying something.  And if people listen, then I guess that makes you pretty good.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today in News...

I feel that now that I have become a housewife masquerading as a writer, that I spend a good portion of my day reading articles and updates about what is going on in the world.  Which is great for the community to be an informed individual.  Not so much for the sanctity of my sanity.  I find that I get mad, and then sad, and then overall done with the way people are in the world. Wrongs that are considered right.

Today what has caused this is this article.

Disgusting, right?  It's not just that.  Obama got one, too.

Why does society allow such things?  What kind of world thinks its okay to even imagine, much less create things like this?  It just further says that violence is okay.  That somewhere imbedded in our society, shooting ex girlfriends and presidents we don't believe in - the mere want to do it - is just fine and dandy.

Boy, does this give me hope.

Friday, April 12, 2013


So here's the thing.  When I started this blog way back in 2008 it was for a school project.  It was a journalism class and we were all required to start a blog and write about issues we wanted to and get a conversation going and so on and so forth.

But I honestly, I'd rather just talk about whatever pops into my head; like random thoughts, and shit my girlfriend does.

So to get things a rollin', this is what has popped into my head today:

When I was a teenger, growing up Roman Catholic (but recovering), I remember a priest explaining to me that being homosexual was considered a handicap, if you will.  Something akin to being born deaf, dum, blind, etc.  That our eyes are meant to see, our lips meant to speak, our ears to hear; that we were born to be attracted to the opposite sex for procreation and furthering the species.  Well, this all makes sense to me.

However, I can also see how being referred to as "unnatural" (so to speak) might be just the teensiest bit insulting.  This priest wasn't saying anything about not loving anyone who was homosexual or preaching anything against it, he was just explaining to us group of teenage girls the Catholic stance on homosexuality.  I bring this all up because I was reminded of it with this article, which somehow to me seemed to hold the same sentiment.

Of course, that scientist is making (to quote the article) quack claims, and the Catholic church has a thing about sheltering child molesters, so...

Friday, April 5, 2013

HIV is for Sinners

I would give a little tangent rant here, point some things out, address issues, etc., but I feel that this article covers all the basics.  Short of asking, what. the. fuck.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

YouTube. Again.

So you may have noticed that a few months ago I was rather bitchy less than polite about a certain issue regarding videos on Youtube and them being removed due to third parties and the like.

Well, the third party is revealed. Say hello to Warner music!

According to the LA Times, it was all contract issues and money and not very fun stuff.

Yeah. And you thought I was annoyed.

Resident Evil 4!......the movie?!

I know what you may be thinking about this (especially if you're more game fan then a movie fan), but apparently, a fourth resident evil movie is indeed in the works, according to Sci-Fi Wire, who is citing another place, who cites an anonymous source.

That sounds a little sketchy, and at this point, may mean it won't actually happen. Personally, I'm not too sure about it. Don't get me wrong, I love zombie killing action as much as the next girl, bu really? Not only was the last movie kind of out there in terms of plot segue, but also if you're like me, and would like your movies to at least be plausible, it also was billed as the final installment.

Spoke too soon, didn't you, Sony Pictures?