Wednesday, November 12, 2008

“Those who try to lead the people can only do so by following the mob” - Oscar Wilde

It's amazing to me how some people can claim to be Catholic (or really, just plain Christian) yet act in such clearly not Jesus like ways. Case in point: this article. I'm beyond the point of saying how sickened I am by how stuck on this issue we are, and I really, truly, hate to say it, but I almost feel that this might drive me away from the Church. I still believe in God, and Jesus Christ, and the very core beliefs the Roman Catholic Church holds, but this one track, seemingly turning belligerence on an issue that isn't even being looked at properly is enough to just make me walk away.

You see, there comes a time in everything where you need to walk away from things that aren't healthy for you to be around. It's not healthy for me to sit here and get incredibly angered and pained by my so-called leaders doing things I feel are against the exact things they claim to teach. I think A Perfect Circle said it best when they said, "One day I will walk away and say, 'You dissappoint me, maybe you're better off this way.'"


Simbera said...

There seems to be a lot of angles to this. On one hand - hell yeah, be loud and aggressive in fighting for your beliefs (as long as it's nonviolent aggression, of course). All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, and all that.

On the other hand, twisting words and using misleading language (Obama is pro-choice, not pro-abortion. There is a big difference) is not cool.

On a hypothetical third hand (foot?) the philosophy of the Church is ostensibly one of tolerance, so such aggression is theoretically against their own philosophy (and is therefore hypocritical)

On the other foot, you can say that if these people aren't complying with the morals of the Church then they're not really Catholics/Christians/whatever. That the Church itself has a history of changing their own policy to suit themselves, rather than the dogma, is another story.

And on the vestigial tail, you have the fact that it's really none of their business - what non-Christians do doesn't concern the Church, and to argue that "the church and religious freedom could be under attack" is absurd: they're trying to PREVENT their own freedom being wrested from them by the Church. Despite the sensationalism often portrayed, Catholics who listen to the Church will still listen to the Church, and won't have abortions. No government act will change that.

Mary said...

My main point is that I think they're going about it in the completely wrong way. I think, honestly, that when it comes down to it, very few people advocate abortion: they just see reprecussions to making it illegal.

You do make good points, though, and I agree, if Catholics are against abortion, then they won't have them. Ultimately, the belief that Catholic hospitals across the nation are going to shut down, I feel, is a bit extremist.