Saturday, May 16, 2009

YouTube. Again.

So you may have noticed that a few months ago I was rather bitchy less than polite about a certain issue regarding videos on Youtube and them being removed due to third parties and the like.

Well, the third party is revealed. Say hello to Warner music!

According to the LA Times, it was all contract issues and money and not very fun stuff.

Yeah. And you thought I was annoyed.

Resident Evil 4!......the movie?!

I know what you may be thinking about this (especially if you're more game fan then a movie fan), but apparently, a fourth resident evil movie is indeed in the works, according to Sci-Fi Wire, who is citing another place, who cites an anonymous source.

That sounds a little sketchy, and at this point, may mean it won't actually happen. Personally, I'm not too sure about it. Don't get me wrong, I love zombie killing action as much as the next girl, bu really? Not only was the last movie kind of out there in terms of plot segue, but also if you're like me, and would like your movies to at least be plausible, it also was billed as the final installment.

Spoke too soon, didn't you, Sony Pictures?