Saturday, May 16, 2009

YouTube. Again.

So you may have noticed that a few months ago I was rather bitchy less than polite about a certain issue regarding videos on Youtube and them being removed due to third parties and the like.

Well, the third party is revealed. Say hello to Warner music!

According to the LA Times, it was all contract issues and money and not very fun stuff.

Yeah. And you thought I was annoyed.

1 comment:

Simbera said...

(Your link doesn't work, it has the http part twice, you might want to fix that)

The best part of that article: "...we simply cannot accept terms that fail to appropriately and fairly compensate recording artists, songwriters, labels and publishers for the value they provide,"

Yeah. Right. They take issue when someone else tries to rip off their recording artists by making a lot of money for basically no reason other than that they have the resources to put the fruits of someone else's labour and talent out there.

Mostly because that's exactly what THEY do.